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It's "Acknowledging" Time

We way to readily put ourselves down with negative talk. “I’m not good enough.” “I was terrible at that.” “What was I thinking? You idiot.” The negative self-talk will destroy us and as a result we will never reach our full potential.

We never take the time to acknowledge the great things about ourselves. We don’t even do it privately, so doing it publicly can feel almost cringeworthy. But a very good friend of mine has started a 20 day challenge where he acknowledges himself about the great attributes he has. He is doing it on Facebook so there is no hiding. And the responses are amazingly positive and life affirming.

As you are probably aware, I volunteered at the “Real Man 1” course a couple of weekends back. Having been a “participant” 12 months earlier, I was very eager to give back and help other men, as I was in their position only a short year ago. As a Chiropractor and being a Director and involved with the “Hands on India” charity, I get massive enjoyment and satisfaction in helping people. That is my reward.

But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, compares to the satisfaction I got by being a part of that team and helping those men work through their demons. To see the difference in them from Thursday afternoon compared to Sunday evening…well, there was no comparison.

And the common theme that I saw from those men…negative self-talk and lack of self-belief. They saw the negative attributes about themselves that they had carried through from childhood that had been instilled in them from that early age. But by Sunday night I believe they saw and felt their real self and their pure potential. They saw the light in themselves…not the shadows. And for me, some of the transformations, and that’s what they were, transformations, were miracles.

So, I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge some people. Firstly, the men who attended the course (26), who, just by showing up, showed great courage, taking a massive step out of their comfort zone. For being open and present to all the challenges that were thrown at them. For facing their demons. And for trusting the “crew” and opening up about their lives, sometimes for the first time ever.

I would also like to acknowledge the Team at Real Education and Murray and Denise for initiating this program and doing this work for 26 years. You are changing peoples lives in the most profound way. Simply…Amazing.

I have to acknowledge the amazing “Crew” who worked with me (and remember we are all volunteers). You are dedicated, inspirational, compassionate, supportive, VERY hard working (so much goes on behind the scenes) and simply frickin’ amazing and I am very proud to call you my brothers. Everything you did was done without ego and only done for the betterment of others.

And I must acknowledge me. I am compassionate, passionate, open and raw, dedicated, humble, hard-working and supportive of others. There are many more, but I will leave that for tomorrow.

Volunteering without any agenda just so you can help others is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. It fills your cup of life, provides gratitude and leaves you very, very humbled. I recommend everyone spend a day or 2, at least a couple of times a year, go out and volunteer.

But NOW is the time to stop the negative talk and start acknowledging ALL the positive aspects about ourselves. Fill your cup of life from within and go and live the life you deserve.

“It’s Time”.

0403 576 280

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